There’s nothing better than having what you want within reach. The mashed potatoes. Salt. An extra helping of salad. So it is with Adobe Stock inside of Creative Cloud. It’s right there, within arm’s reach.
For many creatives and businesses, the need to source stock photos during the design process is crucial. That’s where Adobe Stock comes in. Goodby Silverstein came up with a campaign, called “Make a Masterpiece,” that made the creative community stand up and take notice of something new under the hood of Creative Cloud.
We had the pleasure of collaborating with some of our favorite creatives at Goodby Silverstein & Partners again, with the challenge of telling a story that shows what can happen when you give an amazing artist the right tools and a good helping of inspiration.

emotion studios was fortunate enough to head to New Delhi to showcase the power of Adobe Stock. The whirlwind 72 hours in India yielded a stunning two-minute piece in which digital artist Ankur Patar recreated Rembrandt’s lost masterpiece, “The Storm of the Sea of Galilee” entirely out of stock images (the actual recreation required Ankur 22 days to complete.)

The results that followed were, well… inspiring. After being named Adweek’s Ad of the Day, the video went on to tally over 59 million impressions with more than 15 million full views (> 25%,) and features on Creativity Online, Daily Mail, Gizmodo and WIRED, among others.
Check out the spot for yourself and get inspired.
Goodby + Adobe | Adobe Stock and Stolen Masterpieces from emotion studios on Vimeo.